Thursday, December 18, 2008

high school musical audition-"Beauty and the Beast"

guess where am I? ( school newspapers )
im so glad todaY!
hari ini aku ada audition di skolh untuk drama musical " beauty and the beast"
after schol, banyak murid yg attend for audition, skitar 35-40 orng an, ada cowo2 nya juga. yng mu audisi pelatihnya namanya jimmy dia cukup terkenal lho di USAdia coreonya commercial Nike, addidas, dia udah meet banyak actor, en actriss, dia banyak prestasi juga, kebetulan aku nari di studionya,di luar jam sekolah tiap slsa malem. i doubt dia recognize aku.. h ah
then audition start,dia kasih gerakan dasar kita2 brusaha ngikutin rhtym, trus aku kuaget banget, abis kita smua ngulangin gerakan, si jimmy ne pointed me., and ask my name, i got compliment! im so glad, and everybody like claps for me.,. ha aha.. yah ndak nyangka lho.. trus yah, aku ngga usah ikut audisi individual, i already accepted! oh thx God..! i never relized.. i joint to High school musical theatre..! Yael said it will be a lot of fun...!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Holiday Bazaar..! WHS!

we are young enterpreneur! hahaha
i took a enterpreneur class, and to held a bazaar is our project of the year!
its pretty successfull! and i made 150 $ profit... nice huh!
i sold so many kind of stuff like jewelery things.
and,. etc..
my target consumer was teacher, and girls. so many teacher like my jewelery! haha im so glad i got compliment!
some i bought from NYC was scarf.

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