Monday, January 19, 2009

Off day school - cause of snow!

today was so wonderfull, know why?
cause in here at Winter season, East side, we usually have a lot of snow, and this is my first experience have school days off because of the snow! haha.. nice huh!
the snow usually dangerous, the school bus can't go back and fort to take the student, and it might be take a risk to drive in the snow, because so slippery.
we usually have half day, or delay 2 hour in the morning if the snow come night before, so the "snow plaw" the things for put it away the snow at the street can work in the moring. and make the street clear!
thats why we have delay to school.
but now is different we have a off day! because the big snow storm wasnt stop in the moring, and its still last until noon, so the entire city and all school were closed!
lucky us!


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