Friday, January 23, 2009

Vermont trip~

yes! 23 Jan till 25 Jan 09 Friday to Sunday at vermont!
this is what i waiting for! go to vermont with my exchange friends! ahahhaa.. so glad! hm well, this weekend we will get together in sandra house!
and it was so beautifull house! we can called polar express because her husband, Baxter made a little train in the downstairs, which is connected in every room. which is so long as well.
so nice, its like in the toys store! haha
downstairs was the teenage part, im and valentina and carolina being so crazy to dance some salza, and hip-hop, put the music loud! while the boys played pool. im not really addicting with pool, but i do it well!
im enjoyed myself and this kind of refreshing after the week i have had midterm aghh.. i dont want think about it right now!
we went to wecherter, the little town in Vermont also. just take a refreshing time, no schedule,and its kind of nice of terry cause we can do what ever we want, he give us some liberty.! haha
and the dinner time, we have a lot people, and Sandra asked to each one of us "what is high light of the day" so we like answered one by one, when is my turn, i just said, "to be here with you guys" hahaha.. i dont have anthing to say, thats what pass in my mind and thats absolutely true! haha
well... well...
good day!


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