Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Days! OBAMA !!



dear America,
Today November 4th United State of America made a new history, our country will be change. Barack Obama, won United States for the election 4th November 2008 , which he is be the first African-American president of United States.

U might be born and see our first president was an African-American, this time was such a amazing moment in the world, the world gonna change we gonna have a peace. In your time, u might be have a universal health care where every person can get it, maybe how every America will have a right to good health care.

He want to end of the war, make a peace for all of the world. Bring our troops home from Iraq, and Afganistan. Which is still there right now. He also care about the middle class that’s taxes breaks, he care about the environtment, want to make a better place for live.

The important things about our country, how for this country has come from slavery. First United State president gives all minorities the hope that they can achieve the “American dream” he acclaim “everything are possible”

You know, I hope your live will be better, he might be give a peace, and better environtment which is anybody wont able to destroy that. A equal right for everyone. And u can dream as an “American dream”

im here in United States saw thte history changes... yeah... its the unforgotable moment in my live...


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