Saturday, November 8, 2008

United NAtion Days!

yey! today im goin to United Nation, its in New York city, UN is like a place which is like a country from all of the world! like alliance.. i went to New York early in the morning, from Stamford 7.oo am until 8.00 its not to far, by train, we went there with the other exchange student! to enter that building its so long line! i thought that we have a tours t arround that buliding but it wasn't it was s bored! we just listened the lecture! its all about rotary club, interact, however, there is one more things which is so chalenging we met the other exchange from the other district..(disct frm pennsyl, NY, CT, MA) i met like exchange student in 20 different country from all over the world that i never met before. there all so cool, we speak each other, spent time to talkin, and introduce ourselves, exchanged our pins, (i got a lot of pin!! so happy) and exchanged the bussinness card (im like a bussiness girl though) hahaha so glad! they are was so different, i really hope to find exch from Indonesia, but i didn't.... so pity....
however, it was such a nice day, im tired to talking, because we spent all day to talking..ahaha...

ow one more things! PAh, MAh! aku kirim postcard dari UN lho, ak langsung kirim postcard e dari sini! so, kalo trima nanti kabarin aku yah! dan kasih komentar! ahaha...


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