Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanks Giving day-!

haha thanks giving! its a American's holiday, so yeah.. only american people celebrate this holiday, just for thanksfull, and usually we get together with our family, and have a early dinner in my host mother's aunt,
so! my family celebrate a Thanks giving in Long island,
like 27 people in there, we having early dinner at 4 a clock.
Thanks giving- we never forgot Turkey! alias kalkun! ahaha ,. yeah we had turkey, and so many more food, im so full! ha ha..
we are have fun, talking , and performance a little bit dance, just for fun, and time for dessert, this is a lottttt... usually at thanks giving they have apple pie,.. or sweet potato pie, or pumpkin pie,
we have all of them plus cheescake, cocktail, chocolate, like 8 different kind of cake, like in hotel, haha,... i will have to encourage my appetite, but i cant, haha. i eat at least cheescake, and yehahhh... we have fun, then we go homeee....
im thanksfull for the food,
and i thanksfull coz i can be in USA-


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