Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Washington DC 9-13 Oct'08

Friday 10/9/08
we marched miles, hit a museum, ate on the run, hit museum #2, wandered around Georgetown and enjoyed some Thai food.
Saturday 10/10/08
raced for twenty minutes for a ten minute tour of the White House,we go inseide the whitehouse, we are so lucky because we have to had appointment 6 month before to get inside there, and we must show our passport.
hmmm...then we walk all day, i can't felt my feet anymore, but we enjoy our walk, walk together and make a funy stuff. then we are joined the Navy, viewed a bit of art, ate an overpriced lunch at the Native American Indian museum, met and hung out with fellow exchange students from District 7450, saw a bunch of plants you really could care less about, back to the Native American museum, metro back, Indian food which only Coco liked (wow - two bad meals in the same day) and then the Lincoln & Vietnam Memorial. That’s a heck of a lot for one day. i really love the Lincoln Memorial, it really hudge building, we went there by walked at night, actually it midnight, but there still crowded. and we enjoy our night to see how beautiful the view over the Lincoln Memorial, we could saw monument over here. thats such a beautifull day!
Sunday, 10/11/08
breakfast / brunch, visited with the animals zoo who thought we were the strange ones, viewed Washington from the top of the of the Washington monument back to Georgetown so the good looking guy could sit on his butt and watch a bit of football, had a Mexican dinner while the girls over feed Belek's niece and then we went to George Washington University, to play bowling(where Hollywood=Carolina out scored everyone thats because she lucky)an me Mini Me actually im good in bowling too, if i had some practice ill be the profesional player,.. hahah....
this is the last night we gon together, we have to be ready tommorow for go back our city. so sad.
we spent night until 4 am in the morning, then goin slept
Imagine what all we could have done if we had started early.
Finally, Monday 10/13/08
packed and spending half the day at IHOP waiting for a breakfast that lasted until lunch and the quite trip back.
ill miss you all the exchange!
i love you all, every day we've been together as a group
ill love you Washington! its such a great day!
ill wait for next meeting with you all..


Anonymous said...

Yeeeeaaaaahhhhh It was sooo cool Minnie-Me =)

Jessica Widjaja said...


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