Wednesday, October 1, 2008

NY city! im comming!!

today NO SCHOOL! i go to CITY! woooww...! its amazing, Yael have to work today in city, so i ask her if i can go to with her to see and meet my uncle there. and finally we go! i go NY by train, its about 1 hour by train, and then she take me in my auntie office in Manhattan, we go there by subway! haha... and she left me with my auntie, and she going to work, and will meet me again until night.

hmm.. i have a beautifull day! today while i waiting my uncle come to my aunt office i go walk arround the city! i go to broadway, and macy, and shopping, and i go to korean street, its all about korean, a lot of korean food, and stuff... and after i enjkoy myself in shopping, my auntie, and my uncle treat me in korean restaurant, bim bim bab.. hahaha..... i still love it! i miss bim bim bab in pujasera Citraland! haha.. hmm after have luch, me and my uncle , and his daughter Kezia (2th) go by subway to time square! a lot of walk, because in here.. in NY city people usually walk, its hard to get some parking lot,
anyway i enjoy my day in time square! i cant believe i've been here... its amazing, ahaha... hmmm.. but my uncle say its more amazing at night, so many light, and make the city really beautifull, next time i wanna see a time square at night! ahaha.. hmm.. oh ya! i meet a guy naked ..! hahah.. but not really naked.. just wear a underware, hmm today is very cold! he is really resistant. i make a photograph with him, and i dont know if its can be charge! its 2 dollar! weew...
and... in timesuare i go to toys 'ur us! its a big store, and i make a lot of photograph there! LOGO, Barbie, Superman, Godzilla, a lot of stuff i can take a photo with. haha... its really fun!

yeah! after that! i go to central park! its really huge park..! but, im not round a whole park yet! because its really hugee, and it cant done by 1 days! ahahha.. so i get a relax in here.... play with my niece, talk with uncle Nyo-Nyo.. play with dogs, many dog walker here. its a really good days, i very tired trough this, i walk a lot, and take a subways until 10 times. hahaha....
so... time is getting night, i have appointment with Yael to back home at 8 a clock., so... we go to grand central!
oh ya you know what! its really huge station! its like di tipi2.. hahaha.... very very huge station, hmm.. the loby its really good, and the inside its like a mall.. like a airport, and many store, and foods... hmm.. many tourist take a photo here. me too! im a tourist too! so im not like a freak girl whose take a picture between people... it really crowded! very crowded...
finally i meet YAel! haha.. so we go home together by train, i getting so tired, im fall asleep in the train and arrive home by 10 a clock, and i have to go to school tommorow morning.. oghhhh...


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