Friday, October 31, 2008


halloween time!!!!
today is Halloween day!! im so excited!! today was so amazing, when i came to school, i like not in school, people wear a different costume, weird, funky, funny, cool, scary, its all unusual,the funny thing that i always memories is someone dress as a Jesus, and Teletubies (tinki Winki, dipsy,lala, poo) hahha i enjoy that! im not forget to bring my video camera, i recorded all of them, also i bring my camera, so we took a picture every class. oww...there is someone who very hilarious! he's like a naked man,(just wear an underware) and his "...." (u know) he make it big! super big!, and every running class he bring a radio in his arm and dance like a crazy man! its was so funny, i cannot stop laughing when see everyone dressed up.
it was so fun, my school have parade, but its just for seniors, luckly im a senior! ahah.. so i can hang out together in the last period (so in last period i skipp my class) . heem, but all the student can dressed up! freshment until senior there all dressed up! some of my class have a party,some of the class just having fun, eat brownie, cookies, and drink some soda.. it was so nice! my French class, and my drama class have a party

at night in Greenwich, there is a party i went with Jamiss , and Grace Wyntergrace's mom (my dance friends) and her little draculla which is the little son 4 years old.
we went at 8 pm, its so pity im not go trick or treats, but it wasn't made me sad! there is a lot things to do,this house is so hudge there is a parade, and dance floor, a teenager dance like a disco time, and i went to haunted house, which is so scary! i screamed a lot! oh my God... everyone dressed up like someone in the movie (sadako, mumy, draculla, ect..) sooooo funnn! i got a lot of candy too! there served in the table and we just take it whatever we want, we can bring 2 boxes to carried them, but i wasn't, its to greedy though.. hahaha, but i still got a lot.! ^___^

its the first time i celebrate Halloween in USA! its was so fun,owesome! its experience which i never wont forget!


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