Friday, October 31, 2008

The End of 1st Quarter!

today! quarter 1 is over...
here is like 4 quarter, and JAnuary we have mid term.
u know what i never knew that i doing well in here,
im so proud of myselves.. thanks God...
there is some grade that i know in the 1st quarter
Math 96,7 % A
English 11-1 B
US History B+ 87,1 % (US history i got rank 5 from 25 student nice..! ^__^)
Enterpreneur A- 91.4%
Drama A+ 95. % (mime scketch)
French (i dont know yet)
Crdio fitt ( i ran 4 laps at the fooball track which is 12 minutes it was so tired, and the weather is so cold, i almost die..)
yeah that all.. ^___^
i hope i doing well at second quarter!
ciayo Jessy! ^_______^


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