Monday, February 9, 2009

Disney World!-

FLORIDA its f*in fun! incredible,never forgot this trip ever,
yeah Jamiss gave me ticket to Orlando Florida 3 night 4 days! and i finally ask Cindy (Indo-PA) Valentina (Chile-CT) to go with us! and we totally have a really GOOD time!
1st day
we bought 2 days ticket and 4 park. Disneyworld have 4 theme park:
Magic kingdom, Animal kingdom, Epcot, Holywood studios.
1st time we went to Magic Kingdom! which is every princess settle there ^__^
we saw 2 parade 1 in the noon, 1 at night, and we also have had see firework at the castle! so freakin beautifull! we also eat turkey leg for lunch, which is huge, and we saved them for dinner, well well,.. american food..... always huge! we satisfy have a whole time in here startin at 1 a clock till 9

2nd day
we still have 3 more park ! and we have to go there in 1 day!
animal kingdom, where the animal settle, and absolutely there was character like mickey, and donald there! ^^ its part of disney!
we went to the ride! its also so much fun, they have like rafting stuff, so we get wet! and we also gone to Africa safari! see the animal, and go to mount everest,which is a fun roller coaster in animal kingdom!

Holywood studios
althoush we got there arround 5 a clock, but im glad i still can go to the ride! its mot crowded! we are lucky, cause its not really a vacation time, we have to off school to get here, we off school about 1 week!
but yeah anyway! we didnt have to go to the long line ! its not quiet too, still more people but not tht crowd!
so we went to holywood hotel tower of error! haha.. really good one!
OMG i cant even say which one bad, cause everyhing was so Incredibe fun!
at 8 a clock , we marched into another park which is Epcot!
the ride in epcot was already closed, and we didnt have time to enjoy ourself at the epcot ride! but we did see firework again! but it different! so different w/ magic kingdom! more complete, and they have like a world globe ,which is went arround,
Interesting to see, and at 10 we go arround the epcot park, saw so many different country- China, Germany, Mexico, French, Japan, etc..
im not fell sorry cause we did can see all of toe at night, which is more beautifull!


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