Tuesday, February 17, 2009

My Program at Rotary-

Rotary program,.. i did a Dance, Cultural Dance form Indonesia.= Balinese dance, Pendet" when the rotary have meeting during the day.
it was so nice, and the people at rotary like my dance. i invited Ronnie Minkoff my friend from school,to helped me get dress and took a picture. hehe
we have luch in holiday inn, which is rotary meeting usually held.
and after meeting, im goin to go to library,Ronnie took me with her new car. the problem of the day! i left my phone at Jamiss car, and im so confused! im in the library, nobody know. i cant call.. im kindda lost people! and i dont even remember everyone cell phone, i dont have money either to call, i asked the people at library to lend me a phone, he can't.. OMG im gonna kill myself, i try to open my email and finally find Jamiss number. and im feel so good after that.
then i remmember, i have friends work at republican grill near library, 3 indonesian people live in quens and work at Stamford. so i went there, there is a lot chienese people. everybody at that restourant very nice and they offered me sushi, roll, and springroll, so nice, even thou i said i dont want it, they force me to eat, because maybe i feel like desperate.. hhehe.. well..okay, a good treat from them!
while i wait for jamiss pick up, i try to make sushi, the chienese man teach me, and there is a table bar, i see how to make a drink, and try to make a coke.,. haha, and this is a nice time to for forget my bad day waiting at library, thinking that im lost, but, im not.


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