Tuesday, February 3, 2009

My life...

do you know what happen to my life..? my life was totally fine!
evertyhing is alright and i just wondering, why i can be really lucky and happy, everthing what i want was really happen, and i got that.
and i just relized ,that this is the begining of "my journey" my life... this is the beggining, not the end, i still have a plenty of time to make my life better and better. and nothing wrong with that.
im still young 17th, and Thanks GOd you give me opportunity to feel the nice start through my journey.
if i can say, absolutely since i got here, i have something i was really anxious and worried about. so many goin on. about to make decision, we have to make own decision. other hand far away from real family, and life with the other family, even if we start to love the 1st host family then have to change the other family, and thts not that easy to adjust.
far awy from someone we used to close. so many thing that i might think by myself. that nobody dont need to know. and dont want to know.
i relized, so much goin on, we can't just life in the cage ( in house ) this is the part of the journey, "find who you are" and i know and this is what i we learn on this approx age of 17. we have to see what is world provide to us, and thats is interesting, and i waiting to learn so many things when i step older.
and i appreciate that He give me a wonderful time in here.


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