Wednesday, February 18, 2009

New York- Winter Break

versaile France

the Mediteranian sculpture

well.. well.. I went to NYC today ! with Rick Meyer, and Carolina (Brazil- Southbury CT) Its been so much fun,. haha I went to the city a lot.
today is so freezing, and also ,little bit snow falling through City.. nice!
we went to Soho, South Houston while Rick have appointment to met the doctors, so me and carolina have chnge to shopping at Soho, which is very nice.

after, we went to see WTC, which is still under construction , plan to bulid a pool for memorial stuff, it was so nice that Rick bring us there,and tell the story about september 11th there is a Church near WTC, this church its last about 200 years, there is a issues, President George Washington have been slept on this church, and when september 11th happen in WTC, this church is still okay! no crush, and it was amazing story.

we went to Museum , the popular museum at NYC, and we saw a lot of art things such as Egypt, American, European,Armor, and i tell them a little bit story about Indonesia, when we in Mediteranian, and Asian section.
this was a pretty tour and I enjoyed it!
its felt so fast, its 6 a clock already , so Me and Carolina decided to go the Macy without Rick, and come back home arround 8 a clock, she will spent night in my house, till tommorow. cause we are both have holiday, we havent any problem with that! so we went to broadway Macy, the forever 21 broadway also, and just window shopping.
eventhough we didnt buy anything, I feel so satisfy, i feel like grown up Girl, hanging up in the CIty of New York in the night, both of us. haha and walked to the train station by ourself,
its like our city, we know much about street in New York! and its really is like our city! hehe.. no worries to get lost..


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