Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's Day party!!

lovely baloon

from Jamiss
well, today was valentine days, alhough its on Saturday, i still celebrate it, although im not in school.. i still have fun! I made a chocolate brownies for Jamiss, and Rebecca (her sister) which is today is her Birthday!
we are invited to go to her family house at Stamford, and have bday party, and Valentine [party as well. i made brownies with a letter said "happy Bday" for rebbeca,. and for jamiss is heart and stars, she love stars so much! hehe
then when Jamiss come to pick me up , she give me a Valentine present, teddy bear, and slippers pink like princess! so nice of her! and Me and her made some desserst, chocolate cokies, and cupcake!! wohooo... so nice.. i love bake!
well, at 7 a clock , the valentine party begin! the house is fully of ballons, and hearts red and pink decoration, everyone also wear a pink and red clothes! im surprised! it was so perfect, and there is a present for each of us! howoo.. i love present! i god balpoint colored with glitters, and cute notebook. yeah everyone got present, it was fascinating time i ever had.!
and there is Grace, Todd, and Adam too, they are Rebecca's daughter and son, im [pretty close with all of them! Gracee.. she is nice and so cute..


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