Monday, March 9, 2009

Purim-Jewish Holiday

the segitiga things is hamentashen kue khas jews

today was Purim- pronounce Perum.. heheh
well ini smacem Jewish holiday Jewish thu Yahudi , berhubung family ku Jewish, so ak ngrayain juga , Purim tu kayak Haloween nya amerika. ank2 pada dressed up! well literally, ini ngerayain Bangsa Yahudi bebas dari disaster, pembunuhan anak2 yang baru lahir itu lhoo.. lah ceritanya panjang, ada di Kitab perjanjian lama. ^^
anyway.. mereka ajak aku ke"temple" kalo Katolik "church"
bener2 seru, ank2 pada pake baju macem2, kayak haloween kedua! orng2 pada pake baju ehehe..
i really happy to be here, because i totaly learn new thing! which is:

1st) I be able to listen Hebrew- jewish language! bahasa lain. host sister ku Michelle, dia baca kitab perjanjian lama dalam Hebrew., keren dah! kitabnya kayak roll gt, gede pula. Bedanya Jewish ama katolik thu cuma bible nya aja, Jewish gunain kitab perjanjian lama doank.

2nd) there is interesting things about this Holiday. kalau pembaca kitab sebutin naman Haman, anak2 pada bikin noisy voice.. like "huuuu......" atau bikin noise dari mainan. mainannya juga udah disediain dari temple nya.. ahhahah.. lucu2 wae ya...
mainannya thu bener2 ribut deh,
jadinya kalo si pembaca ngmng Haman (which is bad guy in the bible) the people starting so noisyyy!! OMG.....

3rd) Hamentashen
no hamentashen no purim, this is yang paling penting dari Purim. makanan kas gitu deh, kayak roti berbentuk segitiga. hehe... Host sisterku bikin ini ama temen2 nya ama aku juga 2x... so so lah rasanya.. ^^

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Silly Story in the Morning

heyy, hari ini aku ada ceritaa seruu and silly abis ! wekekekkekeke...
today , kan gara2 ada test kls 1 0 , jadi kelas laen thu masuk jam 10.30
jadi nda usah bangun pagi , aku bangun siang ak bangun jm 8an, trus sarapan, trus aku disuru jalan in anjing ke luar bentar di rumah nda ada orng sma skali , cma aku ma anjinge. (Toby)
trussss ak kluar jln in anjing msi pke piama, soalnya aku pikir cma taruh anjing di luar nggak ada 2 menit, and then dissaster comming... aghhh.... nda sadar tryta aku kekunci dari luarr!! OMGGGGG..........................
this kind of weird pintu.. aku nda kebiasa juga ama pintu kaya gitu. aku da luar mbe anjing e tanpa kunci, tanpa hape, nda tahu telpon e sapa2 , (maklum my bad, aku tegantung sama hape,) nda ada yang bs tak telpon, nda ada hape, baju tipis, mbe jaket tipis, snow dingin banget, en tebel banget ,jadi aku da garasi , merenung dan menunggu ide keluar,
lalu ak keluar garasi, aku nda tahu siapa2 di sekeliling rumah, tetangga nya thu kayak nda ada orng da rumah, apalagi jm 9 an, orng biasa pada kerja, aku pikir mrk pada nda dirumah
the suddenly, aku ketemu car lewat, which is tetangga aku, so i just stop the car and ask some help.
try to get my host mom phone, and everybody who i can talk to, but, it cannot help, the man who i asked some help just have my host father phone, dan impossible banget, soalnya host dad ku da Alaska!! walakakka...
in the end, dia punya ide ngebel police man, cari cara aku supaya bisa masuk ke rumah. aku ngga mungkin tinggal di garasi selama 5 jam! NO WAY...
so dia ngebel policeman, dan meninggalkan aku soalnya dia harus kerja, aku suruh tungu di garasi 5 mnit sblm polisi dtng..

then....... eeeeee malah seng kluar fire department! OMG..
huge car! bener2 fire department no kidding!! rame dah, dah gitu da 7 orng di fire department.. then datang;lah pula 2 car police car. mereka cari cara untuk aku bisa masuk ke rumah, cari celah gt.
actually i get benefit of it.. the crew in fire department orng nya ganteng2 en muda2 lho.. hahhaha!!! cuci mataa....
and mereka pinjemi aku jaket e lagi... ahahhaa.... soale im freezing...
well, wht end up happened is, mereka nda bisa dobrak pintu tanpa ijin dari host mom/dad ku, trus mereka ngebel host dad ku yang ada di ALASKA.. this is the funny part..
so silly, they are laughing, winter in alaska... LMAOO...

well, so my host dad have an idea, said that the police have to go Westhill to take the key to my host sister which is have test tht time... , and thats all.. so the story is end..
my silly experience....

and my host mom said, there is a kunci cadangan di garasi, which she never tell me about it. she felt guilty ....

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Exchange Make Plywood

we were work hard
love exchange student!
America, where im settle for a while
Indonesia merdekaa! My Masterpiece!
bikin pyramid di dalam cirle of wood

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Vermont with Norgren Family!

candlepin bowling

snow mobile

today is my last holiday, since i have 2 weeks holiday, next monday i have to go back to school! aghhhhhhhh
I invited to go Vermont. even if i dont know who are they, and i dont know everybody who i gonna meet. Norgren have 7 dog, 2 cats, 3 children and 5 grandcild! which is so crowded !
and it was a wonderfull time!
well , lagi pengin ngmng pke Indo nih,
so, hari 1:
qta ngga main skii, berhubung d Vermont terkenal saljunya tebel en banyak , kita rencana pergi naek Snow mobile, menyusuri iced lake, yg freezed. en ngga bahaya soalnya beku, so much fun,
snow mobile aku liak e da tipi2 tok, skr bisa ngerasain, pertama kali lihat snowmobile da James Bond, hahahha... so ak dapet opportunity untuk ngendarain juga, ngelewatin Frozen Lake, ama Forest gt.. asik deh.

dan sore nya maen candlepin bowling, which is the only one in New England, bowling- similar, tpi bedanya bolanya kecil banget, jd bisa dilempar pke tgn 1 tok, hehee
pokoknya pengalaman lah, aneh2 yang belum pernah aku rasain sebelumnya,
anjing 7 di 1 rumah .. weleh2.. hehehe
i never forget this! ^__^

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Shopping with Brazilian girl!

carolina spent night in my 2nd host family! it was fascinating, and fun! have someone in house, while nobody home.. (Greenmen is away to Greneda Island for a week)
so yeah, we woke up early in the morning, actually at 10 a clock, ahaha.. then I and her decided to hang out at downtown my city! we saw a "Confession of a Shopaholic!" in the movie theatre. its was really cute movie, i love it so much! the funny thing is We like have a date, in the studios is just 2 of us! we like laughing so badly! haha.. LMAOOOO.. then finally there is a couple of people coming, so not just 2 of us.!

yeah, after movie, we went to Stamford Town Center which is the only mall at stamford! haha
then again we went to Macy , forever 21., and all of those things. store.. store.. store.. shopping -shopping anytime, i bought a coat at macy, cause i have a gift card from past christmas, so this is the good time for me to treat myself!

after go to mall , Carolina have to take a train to go back to danbury, ohh.. so sad..
after she gone, i have appointment to meet my friends in Ferguson Library to work on history project.! aghhhhhhh i hate project and homework in the Vacation!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

New York- Winter Break

versaile France

the Mediteranian sculpture

well.. well.. I went to NYC today ! with Rick Meyer, and Carolina (Brazil- Southbury CT) Its been so much fun,. haha I went to the city a lot.
today is so freezing, and also ,little bit snow falling through City.. nice!
we went to Soho, South Houston while Rick have appointment to met the doctors, so me and carolina have chnge to shopping at Soho, which is very nice.

after, we went to see WTC, which is still under construction , plan to bulid a pool for memorial stuff, it was so nice that Rick bring us there,and tell the story about september 11th there is a Church near WTC, this church its last about 200 years, there is a issues, President George Washington have been slept on this church, and when september 11th happen in WTC, this church is still okay! no crush, and it was amazing story.

we went to Museum , the popular museum at NYC, and we saw a lot of art things such as Egypt, American, European,Armor, and i tell them a little bit story about Indonesia, when we in Mediteranian, and Asian section.
this was a pretty tour and I enjoyed it!
its felt so fast, its 6 a clock already , so Me and Carolina decided to go the Macy without Rick, and come back home arround 8 a clock, she will spent night in my house, till tommorow. cause we are both have holiday, we havent any problem with that! so we went to broadway Macy, the forever 21 broadway also, and just window shopping.
eventhough we didnt buy anything, I feel so satisfy, i feel like grown up Girl, hanging up in the CIty of New York in the night, both of us. haha and walked to the train station by ourself,
its like our city, we know much about street in New York! and its really is like our city! hehe.. no worries to get lost..

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

My Program at Rotary-

Rotary program,.. i did a Dance, Cultural Dance form Indonesia.= Balinese dance, Pendet" when the rotary have meeting during the day.
it was so nice, and the people at rotary like my dance. i invited Ronnie Minkoff my friend from school,to helped me get dress and took a picture. hehe
we have luch in holiday inn, which is rotary meeting usually held.
and after meeting, im goin to go to library,Ronnie took me with her new car. the problem of the day! i left my phone at Jamiss car, and im so confused! im in the library, nobody know. i cant call.. im kindda lost people! and i dont even remember everyone cell phone, i dont have money either to call, i asked the people at library to lend me a phone, he can't.. OMG im gonna kill myself, i try to open my email and finally find Jamiss number. and im feel so good after that.
then i remmember, i have friends work at republican grill near library, 3 indonesian people live in quens and work at Stamford. so i went there, there is a lot chienese people. everybody at that restourant very nice and they offered me sushi, roll, and springroll, so nice, even thou i said i dont want it, they force me to eat, because maybe i feel like desperate.. hhehe.. well..okay, a good treat from them!
while i wait for jamiss pick up, i try to make sushi, the chienese man teach me, and there is a table bar, i see how to make a drink, and try to make a coke.,. haha, and this is a nice time to for forget my bad day waiting at library, thinking that im lost, but, im not.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's Day party!!

lovely baloon

from Jamiss
well, today was valentine days, alhough its on Saturday, i still celebrate it, although im not in school.. i still have fun! I made a chocolate brownies for Jamiss, and Rebecca (her sister) which is today is her Birthday!
we are invited to go to her family house at Stamford, and have bday party, and Valentine [party as well. i made brownies with a letter said "happy Bday" for rebbeca,. and for jamiss is heart and stars, she love stars so much! hehe
then when Jamiss come to pick me up , she give me a Valentine present, teddy bear, and slippers pink like princess! so nice of her! and Me and her made some desserst, chocolate cokies, and cupcake!! wohooo... so nice.. i love bake!
well, at 7 a clock , the valentine party begin! the house is fully of ballons, and hearts red and pink decoration, everyone also wear a pink and red clothes! im surprised! it was so perfect, and there is a present for each of us! howoo.. i love present! i god balpoint colored with glitters, and cute notebook. yeah everyone got present, it was fascinating time i ever had.!
and there is Grace, Todd, and Adam too, they are Rebecca's daughter and son, im [pretty close with all of them! Gracee.. she is nice and so cute..

Monday, February 9, 2009

Disney World!-

FLORIDA its f*in fun! incredible,never forgot this trip ever,
yeah Jamiss gave me ticket to Orlando Florida 3 night 4 days! and i finally ask Cindy (Indo-PA) Valentina (Chile-CT) to go with us! and we totally have a really GOOD time!
1st day
we bought 2 days ticket and 4 park. Disneyworld have 4 theme park:
Magic kingdom, Animal kingdom, Epcot, Holywood studios.
1st time we went to Magic Kingdom! which is every princess settle there ^__^
we saw 2 parade 1 in the noon, 1 at night, and we also have had see firework at the castle! so freakin beautifull! we also eat turkey leg for lunch, which is huge, and we saved them for dinner, well well,.. american food..... always huge! we satisfy have a whole time in here startin at 1 a clock till 9

2nd day
we still have 3 more park ! and we have to go there in 1 day!
animal kingdom, where the animal settle, and absolutely there was character like mickey, and donald there! ^^ its part of disney!
we went to the ride! its also so much fun, they have like rafting stuff, so we get wet! and we also gone to Africa safari! see the animal, and go to mount everest,which is a fun roller coaster in animal kingdom!

Holywood studios
althoush we got there arround 5 a clock, but im glad i still can go to the ride! its mot crowded! we are lucky, cause its not really a vacation time, we have to off school to get here, we off school about 1 week!
but yeah anyway! we didnt have to go to the long line ! its not quiet too, still more people but not tht crowd!
so we went to holywood hotel tower of error! haha.. really good one!
OMG i cant even say which one bad, cause everyhing was so Incredibe fun!
at 8 a clock , we marched into another park which is Epcot!
the ride in epcot was already closed, and we didnt have time to enjoy ourself at the epcot ride! but we did see firework again! but it different! so different w/ magic kingdom! more complete, and they have like a world globe ,which is went arround,
Interesting to see, and at 10 we go arround the epcot park, saw so many different country- China, Germany, Mexico, French, Japan, etc..
im not fell sorry cause we did can see all of toe at night, which is more beautifull!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

My life...

do you know what happen to my life..? my life was totally fine!
evertyhing is alright and i just wondering, why i can be really lucky and happy, everthing what i want was really happen, and i got that.
and i just relized ,that this is the begining of "my journey" my life... this is the beggining, not the end, i still have a plenty of time to make my life better and better. and nothing wrong with that.
im still young 17th, and Thanks GOd you give me opportunity to feel the nice start through my journey.
if i can say, absolutely since i got here, i have something i was really anxious and worried about. so many goin on. about to make decision, we have to make own decision. other hand far away from real family, and life with the other family, even if we start to love the 1st host family then have to change the other family, and thts not that easy to adjust.
far awy from someone we used to close. so many thing that i might think by myself. that nobody dont need to know. and dont want to know.
i relized, so much goin on, we can't just life in the cage ( in house ) this is the part of the journey, "find who you are" and i know and this is what i we learn on this approx age of 17. we have to see what is world provide to us, and thats is interesting, and i waiting to learn so many things when i step older.
and i appreciate that He give me a wonderful time in here.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Talent Show WHS

talent show!
it held once a year mostly in high school. there is audition first before you can performance this day. so, absolutely we are WHS dance team ,pass the audition, and can be participate in this day!
whats were over here?
there is couple singer, group singer, piano, band, and dance. it was s0 nice! our dance so successfull! we did a good job WHS dance team! im greatfull i can be part of the dance team at my school. this give me opportunity to feel real high school at the USA. haha
and the auditorium was so huge! i cant imagine, how big it is. today the audience was so crowded! ( it was good! better that nobody see) im like nervous about it. so many people, and they are so noisy. and so many scream when we are dance, and not just for dance, for the band they are like go to over the stage and dance. (like see a concert) its nice thou, im enjoy it!
this was wonderfull night,
and after that, my hostsister Michelle Grenman, and her friends, ask me to go someplace to buy ice cream, nice icecream place., David take us after talent show about 10 a clock, which is so cold outside, but, whatever, we still eat icecream what ever the weather is.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Vermont trip~

yes! 23 Jan till 25 Jan 09 Friday to Sunday at vermont!
this is what i waiting for! go to vermont with my exchange friends! ahahhaa.. so glad! hm well, this weekend we will get together in sandra house!
and it was so beautifull house! we can called polar express because her husband, Baxter made a little train in the downstairs, which is connected in every room. which is so long as well.
so nice, its like in the toys store! haha
downstairs was the teenage part, im and valentina and carolina being so crazy to dance some salza, and hip-hop, put the music loud! while the boys played pool. im not really addicting with pool, but i do it well!
im enjoyed myself and this kind of refreshing after the week i have had midterm aghh.. i dont want think about it right now!
we went to wecherter, the little town in Vermont also. just take a refreshing time, no schedule,and its kind of nice of terry cause we can do what ever we want, he give us some liberty.! haha
and the dinner time, we have a lot people, and Sandra asked to each one of us "what is high light of the day" so we like answered one by one, when is my turn, i just said, "to be here with you guys" hahaha.. i dont have anthing to say, thats what pass in my mind and thats absolutely true! haha
well... well...
good day!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Off day school - cause of snow!

today was so wonderfull, know why?
cause in here at Winter season, East side, we usually have a lot of snow, and this is my first experience have school days off because of the snow! haha.. nice huh!
the snow usually dangerous, the school bus can't go back and fort to take the student, and it might be take a risk to drive in the snow, because so slippery.
we usually have half day, or delay 2 hour in the morning if the snow come night before, so the "snow plaw" the things for put it away the snow at the street can work in the moring. and make the street clear!
thats why we have delay to school.
but now is different we have a off day! because the big snow storm wasnt stop in the moring, and its still last until noon, so the entire city and all school were closed!
lucky us!

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