Thursday, December 18, 2008

high school musical audition-"Beauty and the Beast"

guess where am I? ( school newspapers )
im so glad todaY!
hari ini aku ada audition di skolh untuk drama musical " beauty and the beast"
after schol, banyak murid yg attend for audition, skitar 35-40 orng an, ada cowo2 nya juga. yng mu audisi pelatihnya namanya jimmy dia cukup terkenal lho di USAdia coreonya commercial Nike, addidas, dia udah meet banyak actor, en actriss, dia banyak prestasi juga, kebetulan aku nari di studionya,di luar jam sekolah tiap slsa malem. i doubt dia recognize aku.. h ah
then audition start,dia kasih gerakan dasar kita2 brusaha ngikutin rhtym, trus aku kuaget banget, abis kita smua ngulangin gerakan, si jimmy ne pointed me., and ask my name, i got compliment! im so glad, and everybody like claps for me.,. ha aha.. yah ndak nyangka lho.. trus yah, aku ngga usah ikut audisi individual, i already accepted! oh thx God..! i never relized.. i joint to High school musical theatre..! Yael said it will be a lot of fun...!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Holiday Bazaar..! WHS!

we are young enterpreneur! hahaha
i took a enterpreneur class, and to held a bazaar is our project of the year!
its pretty successfull! and i made 150 $ profit... nice huh!
i sold so many kind of stuff like jewelery things.
and,. etc..
my target consumer was teacher, and girls. so many teacher like my jewelery! haha im so glad i got compliment!
some i bought from NYC was scarf.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Saugerties-visit 28 Nov 08

we went to saugerties to visit my host dad's parents, saugerties is in the upstate, Albany-
we are spent 1 night there, i love my dad's parents, she is a good cooker! i love the tomato soup, lasagna,eggplant thing, they are so delicious!
and my host mother brought a jewelery stuff for me to make jewelery, like hand made, and i did it! its so easy, she also have a beautifull beads! so, i start to make, and she teach me how to make earring, bracelets, necklace, ! i made, and i learned a lot of stuff, today we just chill out in the house, listen to music,than Zady-MArk's father, ask me to go to "Woodstock" its a little town, its very famous which is torists like to visit
and 1 important things is saugerties born a Artist, so that a lot of craft, and so many hand made born from here, the "peace" sign is born from here too, "hippie" also.
i have a good time to see a little town! the woodstock!

the day after, i go to the mall to see a stuff, because they have sale for thanks giving, usually black friday! they sold 50-70 % off. so the peple being so crazy in t he black friday, but today is not blck friday, so we can shopp nicely, we went to "Khols" i bought a stuff too, thenn
after shopping w/ Yael, we went home, have a paint time, Bubie-Mark's mother gave me a wood "J" my name initial, and we are all doin paint,
and i want keep it to put in my door room , cool!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanks Giving day-!

haha thanks giving! its a American's holiday, so yeah.. only american people celebrate this holiday, just for thanksfull, and usually we get together with our family, and have a early dinner in my host mother's aunt,
so! my family celebrate a Thanks giving in Long island,
like 27 people in there, we having early dinner at 4 a clock.
Thanks giving- we never forgot Turkey! alias kalkun! ahaha ,. yeah we had turkey, and so many more food, im so full! ha ha..
we are have fun, talking , and performance a little bit dance, just for fun, and time for dessert, this is a lottttt... usually at thanks giving they have apple pie,.. or sweet potato pie, or pumpkin pie,
we have all of them plus cheescake, cocktail, chocolate, like 8 different kind of cake, like in hotel, haha,... i will have to encourage my appetite, but i cant, haha. i eat at least cheescake, and yehahhh... we have fun, then we go homeee....
im thanksfull for the food,
and i thanksfull coz i can be in USA-

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Newport-Rhode island(15-16Nov08)

yeah, today we went to Newport (Rhode island) its 2 hours away from Stamford- CT,
so yeah, what we did we do?
a lot of stuff goin on, today we went to 2 mansion, the most famous mansion, this mansion own by governor now, in the past this own by the wealthy people from New York, who build a mansion for summer holiday, they are come by just for summer break.
this is so owesome , a lot more better than "white House" . a plenty of tourist come here,

we are goin with the exchange student, and we have fun! after we travelled in 2 nd mansion, we go to International Tennis Hall of Fame, a very famous tennis court, they have a museum inside.
after, we decided to spent the night go the cinema, 9.00 a clock we saw a 007 the new one, then goin crazy in the hotel room, danced, screamed, made a video, and listen radio, saw TV. until mornign, and we al tired, then go to bed,

tommorow, we went to 3rd mansion, its good as the 1st and 2nd, aftr we got into the cliff, the beautifull beach... we go down to the cliff, walked a long, we saw a beautifull scenery, a bunch of people mostly spent their time for walk over this cliff..

then, before we go home, we go luch first,and made a surprise for renzo's bday! the lunch store are pretty, tose are in a small "shopping city" they have a pretty store..banana republic, j crew, zara, and a lot more,and restaurant, tourist stuff, i bought a rhode island pin for my blazer! i collect the pin!

thenn... we have to go home, so sad to separate w/ exchg...
i will miss the other trip!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Halloween Party-Greenwich

today is Halloween day!! im so excited!! today was so amazing, when i came to school, i like not in school, people wear a different costume, weird, funky, funny, cool, scary, its all unusual,the funny thing that i always memories is someone dress as a Jesus, and Teletubies (tinki Winki, dipsy,lala, poo) hahha i enjoy that! im not forget to bring my video camera, i recorded all of them, also i bring my camera, so we took a picture every class. oww...there is someone who very hilarious! he's like a naked man,(just wear an underware) and his "...." (u know) he make it big! super big!, and every running class he bring a radio in his arm and dance like a crazy man! its was so funny, i cannot stop laughing when see everyone dressed up.
it was so fun, my school have parade, but its just for seniors, luckly im a senior! ahah.. so i can hang out together in the last period (so in last period i skipp my class) . heem, but all the student can dressed up! freshment until senior there all dressed up! some of my class have a party,some of the class just having fun, eat brownie, cookies, and drink some soda.. it was so nice! my French class, and my drama class have a party

at night in Greenwich, there is a party i went with Jamiss , and Grace Wyntergrace's mom (my dance friends) and her little draculla which is the little son 4 years old.
we went at 8 pm, its so pity im not go trick or treats, but it wasn't made me sad! there is a lot things to do,this house is so hudge there is a parade, and dance floor, a teenager dance like a disco time, and i went to haunted house, which is so scary! i screamed a lot! oh my God... everyone dressed up like someone in the movie (sadako, mumy, draculla, ect..) sooooo funnn! i got a lot of candy too! there served in the table and we just take it whatever we want, we can bring 2 boxes to carried them, but i wasn't, its to greedy though.. hahaha, but i still got a lot.! ^___^

its the first time i celebrate Halloween in USA! its was so fun,owesome! its experience which i never wont forget!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

United NAtion Days!

yey! today im goin to United Nation, its in New York city, UN is like a place which is like a country from all of the world! like alliance.. i went to New York early in the morning, from Stamford 7.oo am until 8.00 its not to far, by train, we went there with the other exchange student! to enter that building its so long line! i thought that we have a tours t arround that buliding but it wasn't it was s bored! we just listened the lecture! its all about rotary club, interact, however, there is one more things which is so chalenging we met the other exchange from the other district..(disct frm pennsyl, NY, CT, MA) i met like exchange student in 20 different country from all over the world that i never met before. there all so cool, we speak each other, spent time to talkin, and introduce ourselves, exchanged our pins, (i got a lot of pin!! so happy) and exchanged the bussinness card (im like a bussiness girl though) hahaha so glad! they are was so different, i really hope to find exch from Indonesia, but i didn't.... so pity....
however, it was such a nice day, im tired to talking, because we spent all day to talking..ahaha...

ow one more things! PAh, MAh! aku kirim postcard dari UN lho, ak langsung kirim postcard e dari sini! so, kalo trima nanti kabarin aku yah! dan kasih komentar! ahaha...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Days! OBAMA !!



dear America,
Today November 4th United State of America made a new history, our country will be change. Barack Obama, won United States for the election 4th November 2008 , which he is be the first African-American president of United States.

U might be born and see our first president was an African-American, this time was such a amazing moment in the world, the world gonna change we gonna have a peace. In your time, u might be have a universal health care where every person can get it, maybe how every America will have a right to good health care.

He want to end of the war, make a peace for all of the world. Bring our troops home from Iraq, and Afganistan. Which is still there right now. He also care about the middle class that’s taxes breaks, he care about the environtment, want to make a better place for live.

The important things about our country, how for this country has come from slavery. First United State president gives all minorities the hope that they can achieve the “American dream” he acclaim “everything are possible”

You know, I hope your live will be better, he might be give a peace, and better environtment which is anybody wont able to destroy that. A equal right for everyone. And u can dream as an “American dream”

im here in United States saw thte history changes... yeah... its the unforgotable moment in my live...

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Go Movie! Porchester

today i went to movie theatre with grace's sons, name montel, he's so nice, we saw a scary movie Haunted Molly Hautler.. yeah we went to Portchester (the other city) its not to far, like 20 minutes by car... the movie theatre its such a huge place, its nice!

Friday, October 31, 2008

The End of 1st Quarter!

today! quarter 1 is over...
here is like 4 quarter, and JAnuary we have mid term.
u know what i never knew that i doing well in here,
im so proud of myselves.. thanks God...
there is some grade that i know in the 1st quarter
Math 96,7 % A
English 11-1 B
US History B+ 87,1 % (US history i got rank 5 from 25 student nice..! ^__^)
Enterpreneur A- 91.4%
Drama A+ 95. % (mime scketch)
French (i dont know yet)
Crdio fitt ( i ran 4 laps at the fooball track which is 12 minutes it was so tired, and the weather is so cold, i almost die..)
yeah that all.. ^___^
i hope i doing well at second quarter!
ciayo Jessy! ^_______^


halloween time!!!!
today is Halloween day!! im so excited!! today was so amazing, when i came to school, i like not in school, people wear a different costume, weird, funky, funny, cool, scary, its all unusual,the funny thing that i always memories is someone dress as a Jesus, and Teletubies (tinki Winki, dipsy,lala, poo) hahha i enjoy that! im not forget to bring my video camera, i recorded all of them, also i bring my camera, so we took a picture every class. oww...there is someone who very hilarious! he's like a naked man,(just wear an underware) and his "...." (u know) he make it big! super big!, and every running class he bring a radio in his arm and dance like a crazy man! its was so funny, i cannot stop laughing when see everyone dressed up.
it was so fun, my school have parade, but its just for seniors, luckly im a senior! ahah.. so i can hang out together in the last period (so in last period i skipp my class) . heem, but all the student can dressed up! freshment until senior there all dressed up! some of my class have a party,some of the class just having fun, eat brownie, cookies, and drink some soda.. it was so nice! my French class, and my drama class have a party

at night in Greenwich, there is a party i went with Jamiss , and Grace Wyntergrace's mom (my dance friends) and her little draculla which is the little son 4 years old.
we went at 8 pm, its so pity im not go trick or treats, but it wasn't made me sad! there is a lot things to do,this house is so hudge there is a parade, and dance floor, a teenager dance like a disco time, and i went to haunted house, which is so scary! i screamed a lot! oh my God... everyone dressed up like someone in the movie (sadako, mumy, draculla, ect..) sooooo funnn! i got a lot of candy too! there served in the table and we just take it whatever we want, we can bring 2 boxes to carried them, but i wasn't, its to greedy though.. hahaha, but i still got a lot.! ^___^

its the first time i celebrate Halloween in USA! its was so fun,owesome! its experience which i never wont forget!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Washington DC 9-13 Oct'08

Friday 10/9/08
we marched miles, hit a museum, ate on the run, hit museum #2, wandered around Georgetown and enjoyed some Thai food.
Saturday 10/10/08
raced for twenty minutes for a ten minute tour of the White House,we go inseide the whitehouse, we are so lucky because we have to had appointment 6 month before to get inside there, and we must show our passport.
hmmm...then we walk all day, i can't felt my feet anymore, but we enjoy our walk, walk together and make a funy stuff. then we are joined the Navy, viewed a bit of art, ate an overpriced lunch at the Native American Indian museum, met and hung out with fellow exchange students from District 7450, saw a bunch of plants you really could care less about, back to the Native American museum, metro back, Indian food which only Coco liked (wow - two bad meals in the same day) and then the Lincoln & Vietnam Memorial. That’s a heck of a lot for one day. i really love the Lincoln Memorial, it really hudge building, we went there by walked at night, actually it midnight, but there still crowded. and we enjoy our night to see how beautiful the view over the Lincoln Memorial, we could saw monument over here. thats such a beautifull day!
Sunday, 10/11/08
breakfast / brunch, visited with the animals zoo who thought we were the strange ones, viewed Washington from the top of the of the Washington monument back to Georgetown so the good looking guy could sit on his butt and watch a bit of football, had a Mexican dinner while the girls over feed Belek's niece and then we went to George Washington University, to play bowling(where Hollywood=Carolina out scored everyone thats because she lucky)an me Mini Me actually im good in bowling too, if i had some practice ill be the profesional player,.. hahah....
this is the last night we gon together, we have to be ready tommorow for go back our city. so sad.
we spent night until 4 am in the morning, then goin slept
Imagine what all we could have done if we had started early.
Finally, Monday 10/13/08
packed and spending half the day at IHOP waiting for a breakfast that lasted until lunch and the quite trip back.
ill miss you all the exchange!
i love you all, every day we've been together as a group
ill love you Washington! its such a great day!
ill wait for next meeting with you all..

Sunday, October 5, 2008

New Jersey

today i went to New Jersey! we have a lucnh with my family's cousin, ^___^

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Dinner time,Foot ball game, safe environment

okay!, today i have to work for rotary , safe environment programs, so we have to clean the road, and put in garbage, i go with Mark, and Jesse, its so cold today, it 50F degree. there is not just a old man, there is some teens especially who join the interact club from school in stamford, i made a new friends there, from Westhill, and the other from stamford high, there are so nice.! i exchange a phone number, and stay contact with them.

then, in 2pm, i go see a football game in westhill,Yael take me at school in the afternoon waaww.. first time i see a football game, its so nice, they have a cheerleader, marching band, its so crowded, and cool.... but did you know.., im consider that Karangturi cheerleader is most better than Westhill cheer, hahahha....! go Kartur go KArtur go!!
its really really better. Westhill cheer just have a girl, they dont have a boy, and the member its not so much, haha...
after see a football game, i go back home by myself, i go walk, because i want to, o shove Yael over to pick me up, that really nice to walk,.. its just 15 minute. it can burn fats, haha... the weather its so nice, there is clean and shady road.. i enjoy my walk...

and then, party time, i call over my friend to go dinner in dynasty seczhuan its chienese, and japanese restaurant . i invited my friends from Stamford high, and Westhill high, just 3 people. there are someone who i met this morning, becauseee..... all my friends in westhill cant come... its so pity,... i dont know why they make a hundred reason to shove my over. they are really strange. but thats okay, we spent a good night! Mark take me in the restaurant, we talk a lot.. about school. i learn so much in every convertation i did. after eat dinner we are go to the movie theatre! yuuuuuhuuu.... i have appointment to meet my other friends there, so we met and see a movie together, we see Nick and Norah.. its really good movie,. so funny, and we had a really good night! hmm,.. after the movie end, in 9.15, Ronnie my friends take me home... and... sleep..!
thanks for today! ^_______^

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

NY city! im comming!!

today NO SCHOOL! i go to CITY! woooww...! its amazing, Yael have to work today in city, so i ask her if i can go to with her to see and meet my uncle there. and finally we go! i go NY by train, its about 1 hour by train, and then she take me in my auntie office in Manhattan, we go there by subway! haha... and she left me with my auntie, and she going to work, and will meet me again until night.

hmm.. i have a beautifull day! today while i waiting my uncle come to my aunt office i go walk arround the city! i go to broadway, and macy, and shopping, and i go to korean street, its all about korean, a lot of korean food, and stuff... and after i enjkoy myself in shopping, my auntie, and my uncle treat me in korean restaurant, bim bim bab.. hahaha..... i still love it! i miss bim bim bab in pujasera Citraland! haha.. hmm after have luch, me and my uncle , and his daughter Kezia (2th) go by subway to time square! a lot of walk, because in here.. in NY city people usually walk, its hard to get some parking lot,
anyway i enjoy my day in time square! i cant believe i've been here... its amazing, ahaha... hmmm.. but my uncle say its more amazing at night, so many light, and make the city really beautifull, next time i wanna see a time square at night! ahaha.. hmm.. oh ya! i meet a guy naked ..! hahah.. but not really naked.. just wear a underware, hmm today is very cold! he is really resistant. i make a photograph with him, and i dont know if its can be charge! its 2 dollar! weew...
and... in timesuare i go to toys 'ur us! its a big store, and i make a lot of photograph there! LOGO, Barbie, Superman, Godzilla, a lot of stuff i can take a photo with. haha... its really fun!

yeah! after that! i go to central park! its really huge park..! but, im not round a whole park yet! because its really hugee, and it cant done by 1 days! ahahha.. so i get a relax in here.... play with my niece, talk with uncle Nyo-Nyo.. play with dogs, many dog walker here. its a really good days, i very tired trough this, i walk a lot, and take a subways until 10 times. hahaha....
so... time is getting night, i have appointment with Yael to back home at 8 a clock., so... we go to grand central!
oh ya you know what! its really huge station! its like di tipi2.. hahaha.... very very huge station, hmm.. the loby its really good, and the inside its like a mall.. like a airport, and many store, and foods... hmm.. many tourist take a photo here. me too! im a tourist too! so im not like a freak girl whose take a picture between people... it really crowded! very crowded...
finally i meet YAel! haha.. so we go home together by train, i getting so tired, im fall asleep in the train and arrive home by 10 a clock, and i have to go to school tommorow morning.. oghhhh...

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