Tuesday, September 30, 2008




today! it my sweet 17th! i love this day! it so muchfun,...
i wake up in the morning, at 10 am, and my host family have a birthday present to me! they put the present in the living room, and everybody wait me to open the present woooww..! there is a 5 present...! that is...
1. sun glasses
2. fragnance (harajuku lovers) its so cute!! i love those
3. bag
4. slayer
5. legging, and clothes!
i love this all..
and Yael say, if i dont like those you can return it, and exchanges something else. i still consider, i like those bag and also slayer, but, Yael said that in the store have a different style, so if i dont really like that, i can choose whaterver i want and they can exchanges that.
and finally i return the bag , and slayer, and go to the same mall (target) to exchanges something which the same price with those 2.
we go all together with Ariel,Maya,Jesse,and Yael, Mark not come because he have to wwork today.
so....i go to the bag part. its hard to choosing, because they have a lot.,so i finally find a big bag (yellow-orange) and small bag (black) and i get it.
and i also buy blush on! hihi... that all (3 things) are the same price with bag, and slayer return it. so i get 2 bags and 1 blush on
im so happy today..!
and this evening, we will have a dinner in my family's friends house..!
so today we have a lot of fun! oh ya, Jamiss my conselor she give me a honey cake, she make that cake just for my bitrhday! i love Jamiss, she is very kind of me...

in my sweet 17th, i go shopping, and get what i want, its like i go with my mom, buy something, and shopping time..!
and they also give me apportunity to celebrate my birhday party with my friends, so i can invited my friends to go dinner in restaurant next saturday.! im so happy, there are very kind of me.
i never taught before if i will happy here. because its sweet 17, girls!! im here..i dont know anybody.. there are just my friends i dont really know its like a no more just a friends.
i want to celebrate with you all my friends, my best friends, my hangout friends, which one i really know, and close and want to have a big party like everyone. i taught i cant have fun in my 17 th birhtday, but i was wrong, its not like what i taught.. ^_____^
i really happy get here, i was "here" is my birthday present from my parents i believe they are sacrifice all they have, just for me, for my future, and my aspiration.
its all what i want, and they make it happen. i never forget this gift.this year! love you Pah, Mah! and thanks God....in my sweet 17th, all what i want HE make it happen..

Monday, September 29, 2008


Saturday, September 27, 2008

uptown girl...^___^

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

dance time! dance class

hey! i have a dance class today! before i get here, my host parents know i like dance, so do their two daughter, so they took me and their two daughter in dance class, i really happy i have another activity out of school, their so kind of me...i like their real daughter. ^_____^
the dance studios its so much fun! there are so many kind of dance, its jazz, tag, hip-hop,ballet. so i take the hip-hop one.. i usually take that!

oghh.... its so crowded, the first time i get there, the leader say "i might not have a new student because its very crowded here, but i can see you first.."
she always ask me "have you been dance before? are you a good dancer?" she always ask me that question, its make me down, ahaha...
so we practice the move, and i follow, its such a good, very good move! its so fast! its so need!, so cool,! so clear! so hard too! i cant say anything..,the leader like a profesional! its a good choreo! and i never done this move before. but i try and try, the student have been learn this 3 weeks (once a weeks), and i, its the first time im here and learn this move. and i did it, although its so hard, and sometimes i mess a move.. i never thought i can do this move.. but i did it!
in the end , the leader says "you a good dancer! its the first time you here, but you did it well" woow..! i so imperessed!and the student there claping to me..! there are so kind and friendly! and the leader say that i can sign up for this class.. yeah!
yay!! i have a new activity! ^___^

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Youth Activity

today! goin to car wash! huiiii.... its great day! and cold day! but its so much fun! we do this for church, we do in parking lot St Leo Parish church, many activity in my youth group,we have 20 people in this group, their all senior.!
yups! so many car we wash! because we have 3 misal in the morning so they are want us to wash their car while they have misal, and some other people voluntier give the money, without wash their car...
so guys..!
we get 600 dollar! yhuuu!!thats so much money! yeah! because we work hard today! the money is for trip for youth to go to skii,christmast party, and other activity...! wooww... i really wating for all that!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

circle line statue Liberty!

City! the tallest one is empire tower! woow.. (king-kong movie)

Statue Liberty

Me and statue!!

Beautiful day...

Mark en Me

Manhattan background

Ariel en Me in circle line

Jesse and JecY in boat!

east village street-NY City

Thursday, September 18, 2008

dance team WHS

welcome 1st meeting dance team! gogo..!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

early Hammonasetts beach!

own beach huh..?!
wooow!! nice weather!

our rotarian~

uh-oh... i miss this time! in tent...

its so nice! ^^ miss you all exchange! see you in October!

school today!

today is half day, we back school early! 12 pm ^^ happy,! today after school i have lunch with my host sister, and her friends, eat in restaurant is so expensive. 10 dolar, in indo Rp 100.000.. >_< but the portion is so much, they give a lot of food for 1 portion. it always like that, the restaurant here always give so much , i always can't eat all, its like 1 portion for 4 people.
but it a good restaurant..

after lunch i doing homework! ogwhhh.... so much homework.! i have to finish my essay 5 paragraph,! because its due for tommorow.! tommorow is deadline.
essay is like a Thesis, argument,conclusion, like a Ms. Yaya teach us..! its the same, we must have 3 of them.
today i ask my friends (my classate) to help for essay assigment, he very kind of me.. ^^ i like him ahaha... he realy help me for this...
Tommorow i have 2 unit reading check for History, and next friday i have 2 quizz, math and history.
oh ya! i got 100 !!
for History quizz, its like fill a blank America map. fill 13 colonies there..
i hope next friday i got 100 to for History and Math... ahahaha.... im so happy! ^^ but History is hard.. HUhuhuuhu... i can't really understand, i just know the outline of the story, not detail. wish me luck!!
certainly, i find difficulty to for doing homework, i must really understand thats story, i must open dictionary everytime, and it need time to do that, but, i never give up for this, im here to study! ahahaha...

hemm.. today i have a presentation for enterpreneur class. Mr Yudi, Mrs Rantii! hai.. i have presentation too here..! but its individual. at least must be 10 minute. no0 less than 10 minute....we have a question too from the other student, and we must answer correctly.
i very nervous do this, and....... did it well! the teacher know i am a exchanges, she know its my first time i talk in english infront of people. and she say " you did well, i proud of you" its a big compliment for me! i really glad.. hihi.. i did it..! thanks God..

the english class Mrs Ginsburg, she usually give a journal prompt, she make a topic, and we must writing a opinion about that, it fun, we talking a lot in that class, all the student initiative to tell they story.. its about family,friends, boy/girlfriends.. its like we talk heart to heart.. its good for me to be a good listener.. hahaha... its many cultural differences between Indo, and here.. so many differences.. many student have a baby in age 17/ 16... but they like a student in usual. not like a girl who have a baby.

and for French class, i see a movie, because its a half day, i see a cinderella movie in French.... huh.. i dont understand everything...

My school..! WHS

West Hill high
Infront of the school in the coolest morning

usually eat luch here so much better

hahha.. its restroom,karangturi is so much better..! huh,,

fitness classes

cafetaria!! it must be hudge, its my bad, amateur photographer...
we have 2 cafetaria, its the tiny one

buletin board, we have this all the corridor, it just one of them

which my locker...?!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Yael give this for me, its like a hand made, painted by someone in the china town in New York city..!

its so awesome! its really good... believe purely its handmade!

buster!! you have a hair cut! ^^ woow.... so cute.. miss mickey..>_<

Monday, September 15, 2008

Long islands

here is long island... like the other city, but still in Connecticut-

just take 1,5 hour to get here..

Sunday, September 14, 2008

join youth group St Leo parish

today i go to church in the morning, Jamiss pick me and we go church together.! this church is so nice, and it have similar misal .. there is no different with indonesian church. but the problem is, i cant singing, i cant pray "aku percaya" i must to learn that.. ! the misal its just 1 hour, no more. its so on time.. ^^
after go to church i go to grocery with Jamiss, but something to drink and eat..
i plan to join the youth group in church St Leo Parish, so the first meeting is today at 6 pm.

06.00 pm..
welcome youth group St Leo Parish
we have 20 people here, first we do is introduce, its just for junior and senior. some of them have the same school that i have. but we never meet other, because u know its such a really big school! then we make a activity.. , we must find money to help the church, its our aim.
so many activity in here.. every sunday we have a meeting on 6pm, worship, and then have dinner together. today we have pizza (chess, sausage, mushroom) and cookies! ^^ i like the cookies!! its very good!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

shopping phone

today i go shopping with Jamiss (my Rotary Conselor) she is very kind. i love her very much, today i go to the bank, she make account for me, and we get souvenir after sign up! bag pack ^__^ its nice bag.
after that we go around the grocery. buy something, for her necessity, and i just walk arround.
and in the evening, we get lunch in the Thailand foods, she now i miss my country, so she let me taste Thailand food which similar with Indonesian food, i miss gado2-miss mie ayam.. huaaa....
the thailand food is good!its so much fun,..
after having lunch, we go to the Verizon store to buy phone, she buy me a new phone! she want me to choose whatever i want, the attendant in that store choose the phone which great for me, and those become my cell phone now ^__^ im so happy...
but, they tell me i cant call or send message to Indonesia with this phone.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

i proud of my hand made!

nice..! its my assigment to add my credit..! to fulfil graduation.. hemm... enterpreneur class... i must presentate an enterpreneur, i choose Anita Roddick, who established a "Body Shop" its have a cool story...
oh ya.. in here we can't copy the the information from internet, we can take a information, but we must make own sentences, do not piracy! its againts the law..!
and in the school we have a media center, like a library.., they have so many computer there.and every student have a id number , and own password. we also can print al stuff whatever we want.. 50 print no problem, but no colour printer...
no pay for printing...

home work!! ~_#(%*)#%(#*%

this is my book i must read every day...

a lot of home work.. hate it.. history class i must make a essay, 5 paragraph about Colombus, and settler.. everyday i read a very very thick book...! and the problem is... why use english? why not indonesia? many strange vocab in this book.., i cant live here without dictionary.. huhu...
love you my dictionary...!
Mrs Miraballes have schedule homework for this week for everyday. reading check, and what ever...
the enterpreneur class too! Mrs Kumar... huh... i have a presentation project for add some credit .. oh my God... i must presentate for 10 minute! oh my God... i dont know what i will talk about in 10 minute... oh ya.. we must make a poster too.. ( i like this part!) but, we don't allow to read the poster, while presentate

Bonjour! Salut! comment t' applles-tu? Je m'appelle Jessica, et toi?
je suis de semarang
je suis Indonesiane, Tu es de?
yuPSSthe French language..! Madame Popescu! love you.... this is a pretty good class... i love the teacher, she's good seeing... i like every clothes she wear, its very mix and max! akakakkaa...she kind too...
but......... so many quizz, and test..! just 3 days, i got 2 test.. oh my God... so many spelling... its very hard...! but i like language.. it sounds like chance for me to have a something new.. so i want to learn more.... ciayo jecy! ^________^

the math class, Mrs Bahm.. i like this lesson, its geometry 1 , in Indonesia, i learn it before, so.. believe or not, in 1st quizz i had 98 ^________^, it must to be 100, but i wrong to put the sign.. huhu.. T_T

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

go go shopping!

hang out with friends!

go go shopping..! i go to Stamford shopping center today! with my 2 friends from China. Dong-dong, and lin yue. they live here about 4 years ago, so their english is very well.. not like me, amateur.. hihihi...

today in school, i having luch with them, and they ask me to go to shopping after school ends, i go to her house by school bus.
and i go to mall by city bus! 1 dolar..
in mall they buy a lot, i dont buy anything, because i dont bring a money.. akakakka... i go home in 6 pm, Mark pick me up in her house.
and we have a pizza for dinner..
tired, so much homework to do..., tommorow i have math quizz.. oh God bless me...

Sunday, September 7, 2008

school theatre

here im doing drama! its a nice room, i love drama class, i love Mrs. Hammara., a lot friends here, from (freshment) 9 grade, until 12 grade, ^___^

put the stone on it

we must put the stone on it, to respect, and to show that we came to visit,in indonesia, we throw a flower, but in Jewish tradition have a differend ways ..^___^look in that stone. they have hybro language... its weird... like a symbol2, i cant read that... huhu...

in semetery..~

today i went to semetery with my family ,Mark,Yael,Ariel,Maya,Jesse, and Aunt Mimi, Aba, uncle Jo, and Koby. visit their granmother, in long island, 1 hour to get here. i like this semetery, its clean, and neat. oh yea. here is Jewish semetery, Jewish is a religion.
want to know that? Jewish is an israel religion. same like Catholic, (my family are Jewish) but there are make something different they belive in God, and Jesus Christ, but, they still waiting for Mesias, and they believe that Mesias is not comming yet, and catholic is believe that Jesus Christ is a Mesias. yeah, that is the diferend.
everyday i find something new. thats make me exited everyday. oh yea, they praying too, they pray with Hybro (i don't know how to write) language, its a Jewish language, its like symbol2.. its weird because i never hear that, but thats pretty good.

after visit the semetery we will go to my family's friends house! wooww....
thats a nice house! its nice to be here! its owesome! they have a pool, same like we have, they have a wide back yard, and they have a great home theatre, (like a movie teathre) have a 10seats. cool...! i like this part!
and they also have a room for cardio.
we have a dinner there, we having BBQ, and burger for dinner,.(burger again) they are so welcome, and we having a conversation, and after that, we see the movie in their home theatre with their kids Jessica and Rachel.. nice!

at 8pm, we back home., and tommorow start to go school... huhu... i miss next weekend...

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Poto temen2 di Airport..!

oh ya nih poto pas di bandara...
sori ya teman klo ini tok yang aku punyak.. yang laen ga keliatann.... huhu yang laen gelap katane...
ya intie ak seneng banget lho klian mo nympetin wktu nganterin aku.. hihiihi.... tengkyu bangets yawhh aLL...!


hmm crita2 tentang skolah nih...
Westhill highschool, public school stamford Connecticut, disini 1 angkatan hmpir 700 orang an lhoo..., namanya ajah public school... huhuh... dimana2 segitu, ada yng lbh besar malah....
yg trmasuk junior kls 10 dan 11, yg trmasuk senior kls 12, dan kls 9 nya dinamain freshman (siswa tahun pertama) ahaha, baru pertama kali aku tahu istilah itu...lah ni ak kelas 12...senior!

heemm.. saking gedeee nya, dan saking banyaknya siswaaa... dan ak masih bingung cari temen githu, 1 kelas aja campur2, bisa kelas 11, bisa kls 12. dah githu 1 kelas isa murid e sitik banget 10 orng an, trus ada senk rame banget. kelas ku math cma 10-12 orng an, kadang na orng e nda msuk ya sitik banget gt.. ehehe.... heemm.. dan disini banyak orang dari luarnya juga, ngga orang bule smua, banyak yang dari Spain, india, china, kbnykn dah warga negara dan menetap disini... huummm.. sepi nda ada orng Indonesia ne sama skali, mbuh nda ada pa nda menemukan yaa... hihi, soale bener2 mbingungi dan gede banget, temen 1 angkatan aja ngga tau, dah gitu orang e ketok dewasa2 smua, yg kls 9 pun jg, jdi nda isa mbedake,..akaka...
pakaian e yaya, you ken see gtu, yah nda semua sihh..
trus ada yang kaya rock star...
trus ada yang tatoo2 nan, cewe...
trus ada yang femininn banget...
ada yang sangar dandan e..
ada yang menorr abiess...
ada yang hip-hop style...
semua orang sana cewe e tak titeni ya..., pake eye liner kabeh.. hihi..
ada senk medeni kaya setan eye liner e, ada sink biasa2...
ada yang tindik hidung, alis, lidah... wah medeni,...
beraneka macam orang disini,..

nah truss.... kan lunch break nya cma 1 kali.. huhu nda enak.. lunch break nya thu ya dibagi 3 kloter,, jm 11,set 12, j 12.aku dpt yg j set 12. jdi klu lunch ga smua murid lunch pada jam yang sama.
per kloter ajah dah ruame bangets... pa lagi na smua murid djadiin satu break nya.. hihihi...

about friends...... dah dapet sih untungnyaaa... org asli spain, dn dah tinggal d US dari kecil,
trus juga ada orang china, dah 4 tahun d sini kakak sodaraan,kakak adik 3 orng, dan tetangganya 1 orang. yah smentara itu temen2 ku yang dah lmyn deket... orng item2nya juga bae2 kokk... dan lucu2....heemm...

no where..

sabtu2 liborr... ^^ bangun siank, sarapan pancake, dann... udah...
hari ini stay at home ajah kok... nowhere.. huhu, soale hari ini hujann dueress....pada mls kmana2...dan pap mam e lagi beres2 rumah gthuu... huhu, pdhl pek pegi nii...
so, drrumah nonton dvd ma adek2nya, mpe 2 kali nontonnya, tapi beda crita...
heemm....... activitynya bikin dinner, ayam, ama steak..., ma pasta, dah itu ajah...
trus ama maem es, nyambi nntn dvd...
oh ya disini ndak adak film indo.. kangen ikk.. mama mia, sinetron2, gossip2, ceriwis,.. akakkaka.......
juga keluargaku jarang banget, dan mungkin ngga pernah nonton film asia..ato movie asia..
huhu, pengin padahal, rasane seneng lho na liak orng asia gt, soale dasini orng e bule2 dan asing mua, bosen .. na liak orng asia rasae sak tipe gt... akakkaak...

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

school bus!

hihi.. kuning2 githu school bus nya..
ehmmm... banyak banget ni school busnya, skolahnya juga big, begitu juga lapangannya.. ada 3 lapangan gede kyknya, untuk baseball,
untuk soccer, 1 nya untuk parking lot,.. akakka
hmm trus ada gymnya, ada kolam renangnya, rencananya sih ak pgn ikut club renang, after school tpii..
omong2 ttng bus, aku ga pna nae bus ini, soalny ke skul nae mobil bareng ariel trus.. ihihi.. dan rumah e dket bbanget, 6 menit an sampe.. hihi..

nih locker2nya.. ni baru separohnya, banyak lagi...
cerita2 ttg pelajaran lagi...
# aku ambil concert choir....
huwaaaaa... pak PW..! kangen, katae juara 3 di ITB yah, trus mo k Malay yahh... slamet..! Karangturi Choir...! slamet all... pengene ikott... ekeke...
hmmm disini aku ya ambil choir biar kerasae kayak da kartur juga,
gurunya cowo, masih muda, (Mr Curri)
dann,.... hari ini ada berita mengejutkann... hmm.. choirnya Westhill akan ke Itlay, ada competition di Italy, suru bayar 200 dolar buat tripnya, suk April, heeemmmm... kuagetttt aku... belum mulai pelajaran lhoo.. dah ditagih uang untuk competitionnya, dan ngga cuma competition, ada tournya juga, ke museum2 art geto.. weleleelelelleee... piyeee.......
enake piye jall.. ikot nda yah..? aku ya musti hrs ngmng papmamku juga.. heemmm... hihi...
angger aku mo masuk choir, tau2nya ada competition mpe Italy geto.. qrenn boookk...ga nyangka bookk...
# Drama class
hhmmmm,... aneh oqq.. masak 2 hari ini ngga ngelakuin pelajaran apa2... malah nari2 kaya senam pemanasan, ama game2 anak kecil, aku nda tau purposenya apa, yang penting gurunya baeeee banget Mrs Hamara.. dah rada tua.. bae... ramah aku srng omong2 mbe deen, crita2 gt.
yah kita lihat bagaimana perkembangan kelasnya nanti..ngapain lagi, aku ya belum jelas..
hmm.. enak sih... kaya refreshing geto.. maen2 tok isine...
aneh e ini masuk credit juga lho untuk rapot.. heheh...

History class room

jam terakhirku history class..
guru ne bae bangets.. hihi.. nih aku poto e ya pas pulang skolah,
hari ini history nya nonton dvd ttg new world, abis itu ngerjain esai, plajaranne kayak di Indo, kya listening di lab gthuu.. akakka....
enn... banyak banget Homework nya ngga kaya di kartur kan ngga ada peer... cma tugas, klo ni tiap hari ada tugas.. ekekekeke...

smua kelas bentuk kursine kaya gini, yahh... jadi nda iisa contek2 nihh... nda isa curang nda ada slorok e.. hihi, tpi ya kadang di kelas laen beda gthu dekorasinya, kursine isa di dempet2 in..
1 kelas juga ada komputer masing2. sama kaya kartur.

trusss about pelajarann...
hmm aku ambil cardio fitness ben ada olahragane, trus ben nda bosen da meja kursi terus., ada locker2 e barang, angel buka loker e.. aku ampe ndak iso2..

trus aku ambil enterpreneurship! pak Yudiii....... Bu Rantiiii...... miss u...
disini juga dibelajarin suru presentasi, tapi presentasinya akhir semester, untuk examnya gthu. nah projectnya giniii... (aku paling seneng nih)
masing2 anak bakal dikasi uang 50 dolar buat modal, untuk beli barang. tau dimanaa? kita mua ke NY city, dan beli stuff untuk dijual di holiday bazzar suk Desember.
biaya transport ke NY dibiayarin, qta cuma beli barang dan cari untung untuk hoiliday bazzar itu.
dan.. presentasinya untuk nilai akhir, dsuru teliti jualan apa saja ,bati ne brapa, trus bikin label kaya accounting geto.. (wah ni yg paleng ngga nyenengin..) dan klu presentasi nya bagus, bakal
ditandinngin ke highschool laen, en mpe nasional.. tapi 1 kelas diambil 1 orng.. ekekkee...
yah gthu dehh... hampir sama kaya di Kartur.. ^^

Westhill high school!

nih skolah e cuplikan tangga sebelah barat, "W" thu westhill nama skolahnya, nih aku potonya waktu pul skolah, dah sepi githuu....

hee'emm.. hari ini skolahnya nyenengin sih,
aku ambil kelas
2)cardio fitness
4)concert choir
7)US history

dah ithu aja pelajarannnya, 1 minggu itu terus jadwale...sampe lulu ya itu terus jadwale ...
piee cobaa apa nda bosennn... heemmm...??
hehehe... nih aku ambil nya yang gampang2, yg wajib cma 3 US history,math,en english..

hi..! nih gelang buah tangan sendiri nihhh.. , ekekekke.....
dari benang githu, khas nya disini teenager pada buat gelang2 ini klu pas summer holiday, katanya sih wktu di summer mpe nda tidur gara2 bikin kaya ginian,
keliatannya sulit, tapiii... gamping banget... hihii.. yg gede pake 5 benang, yg kecil 3 benang....
di Indo juga ada kaleee.....

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

hammonasets beach 23 August!

hammonasets beach, we camp together at 23 August
here all exchanges from brazil, italy,french,chile,taiwan,indonesia,toronto,rusian,german..
a lot of friends

here koby's playground.. ^^
and flow the bubble

volley ball player..

where am i...??
hihihi.. a lot of fun...
with ariel, maya, koby, and uncle abi.. ^^
hot summer...

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