Sunday, September 7, 2008

in semetery..~

today i went to semetery with my family ,Mark,Yael,Ariel,Maya,Jesse, and Aunt Mimi, Aba, uncle Jo, and Koby. visit their granmother, in long island, 1 hour to get here. i like this semetery, its clean, and neat. oh yea. here is Jewish semetery, Jewish is a religion.
want to know that? Jewish is an israel religion. same like Catholic, (my family are Jewish) but there are make something different they belive in God, and Jesus Christ, but, they still waiting for Mesias, and they believe that Mesias is not comming yet, and catholic is believe that Jesus Christ is a Mesias. yeah, that is the diferend.
everyday i find something new. thats make me exited everyday. oh yea, they praying too, they pray with Hybro (i don't know how to write) language, its a Jewish language, its like symbol2.. its weird because i never hear that, but thats pretty good.

after visit the semetery we will go to my family's friends house! wooww....
thats a nice house! its nice to be here! its owesome! they have a pool, same like we have, they have a wide back yard, and they have a great home theatre, (like a movie teathre) have a 10seats. cool...! i like this part!
and they also have a room for cardio.
we have a dinner there, we having BBQ, and burger for dinner,.(burger again) they are so welcome, and we having a conversation, and after that, we see the movie in their home theatre with their kids Jessica and Rachel.. nice!

at 8pm, we back home., and tommorow start to go school... huhu... i miss next weekend...


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