Tuesday, September 30, 2008


today! it my sweet 17th! i love this day! it so muchfun,...
i wake up in the morning, at 10 am, and my host family have a birthday present to me! they put the present in the living room, and everybody wait me to open the present woooww..! there is a 5 present...! that is...
1. sun glasses
2. fragnance (harajuku lovers) its so cute!! i love those
3. bag
4. slayer
5. legging, and clothes!
i love this all..
and Yael say, if i dont like those you can return it, and exchanges something else. i still consider, i like those bag and also slayer, but, Yael said that in the store have a different style, so if i dont really like that, i can choose whaterver i want and they can exchanges that.
and finally i return the bag , and slayer, and go to the same mall (target) to exchanges something which the same price with those 2.
we go all together with Ariel,Maya,Jesse,and Yael, Mark not come because he have to wwork today.
so....i go to the bag part. its hard to choosing, because they have a lot.,so i finally find a big bag (yellow-orange) and small bag (black) and i get it.
and i also buy blush on! hihi... that all (3 things) are the same price with bag, and slayer return it. so i get 2 bags and 1 blush on
im so happy today..!
and this evening, we will have a dinner in my family's friends house..!
so today we have a lot of fun! oh ya, Jamiss my conselor she give me a honey cake, she make that cake just for my bitrhday! i love Jamiss, she is very kind of me...

in my sweet 17th, i go shopping, and get what i want, its like i go with my mom, buy something, and shopping time..!
and they also give me apportunity to celebrate my birhday party with my friends, so i can invited my friends to go dinner in restaurant next saturday.! im so happy, there are very kind of me.
i never taught before if i will happy here. because its sweet 17, girls!! im here..i dont know anybody.. there are just my friends i dont really know its like a no more just a friends.
i want to celebrate with you all my friends, my best friends, my hangout friends, which one i really know, and close and want to have a big party like everyone. i taught i cant have fun in my 17 th birhtday, but i was wrong, its not like what i taught.. ^_____^
i really happy get here, i was "here" is my birthday present from my parents i believe they are sacrifice all they have, just for me, for my future, and my aspiration.
its all what i want, and they make it happen. i never forget this gift.this year! love you Pah, Mah! and thanks God....in my sweet 17th, all what i want HE make it happen..


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