Tuesday, September 9, 2008

go go shopping!

hang out with friends!

go go shopping..! i go to Stamford shopping center today! with my 2 friends from China. Dong-dong, and lin yue. they live here about 4 years ago, so their english is very well.. not like me, amateur.. hihihi...

today in school, i having luch with them, and they ask me to go to shopping after school ends, i go to her house by school bus.
and i go to mall by city bus! 1 dolar..
in mall they buy a lot, i dont buy anything, because i dont bring a money.. akakakka... i go home in 6 pm, Mark pick me up in her house.
and we have a pizza for dinner..
tired, so much homework to do..., tommorow i have math quizz.. oh God bless me...


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