Tuesday, September 23, 2008

dance time! dance class

hey! i have a dance class today! before i get here, my host parents know i like dance, so do their two daughter, so they took me and their two daughter in dance class, i really happy i have another activity out of school, their so kind of me...i like their real daughter. ^_____^
the dance studios its so much fun! there are so many kind of dance, its jazz, tag, hip-hop,ballet. so i take the hip-hop one.. i usually take that!

oghh.... its so crowded, the first time i get there, the leader say "i might not have a new student because its very crowded here, but i can see you first.."
she always ask me "have you been dance before? are you a good dancer?" she always ask me that question, its make me down, ahaha...
so we practice the move, and i follow, its such a good, very good move! its so fast! its so need!, so cool,! so clear! so hard too! i cant say anything..,the leader like a profesional! its a good choreo! and i never done this move before. but i try and try, the student have been learn this 3 weeks (once a weeks), and i, its the first time im here and learn this move. and i did it, although its so hard, and sometimes i mess a move.. i never thought i can do this move.. but i did it!
in the end , the leader says "you a good dancer! its the first time you here, but you did it well" woow..! i so imperessed!and the student there claping to me..! there are so kind and friendly! and the leader say that i can sign up for this class.. yeah!
yay!! i have a new activity! ^___^


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