Saturday, September 13, 2008

shopping phone

today i go shopping with Jamiss (my Rotary Conselor) she is very kind. i love her very much, today i go to the bank, she make account for me, and we get souvenir after sign up! bag pack ^__^ its nice bag.
after that we go around the grocery. buy something, for her necessity, and i just walk arround.
and in the evening, we get lunch in the Thailand foods, she now i miss my country, so she let me taste Thailand food which similar with Indonesian food, i miss gado2-miss mie ayam.. huaaa....
the thailand food is good!its so much fun,..
after having lunch, we go to the Verizon store to buy phone, she buy me a new phone! she want me to choose whatever i want, the attendant in that store choose the phone which great for me, and those become my cell phone now ^__^ im so happy...
but, they tell me i cant call or send message to Indonesia with this phone.


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