Sunday, September 14, 2008

join youth group St Leo parish

today i go to church in the morning, Jamiss pick me and we go church together.! this church is so nice, and it have similar misal .. there is no different with indonesian church. but the problem is, i cant singing, i cant pray "aku percaya" i must to learn that.. ! the misal its just 1 hour, no more. its so on time.. ^^
after go to church i go to grocery with Jamiss, but something to drink and eat..
i plan to join the youth group in church St Leo Parish, so the first meeting is today at 6 pm.

06.00 pm..
welcome youth group St Leo Parish
we have 20 people here, first we do is introduce, its just for junior and senior. some of them have the same school that i have. but we never meet other, because u know its such a really big school! then we make a activity.. , we must find money to help the church, its our aim.
so many activity in here.. every sunday we have a meeting on 6pm, worship, and then have dinner together. today we have pizza (chess, sausage, mushroom) and cookies! ^^ i like the cookies!! its very good!


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