Thursday, September 11, 2008

i proud of my hand made!

nice..! its my assigment to add my credit..! to fulfil graduation.. hemm... enterpreneur class... i must presentate an enterpreneur, i choose Anita Roddick, who established a "Body Shop" its have a cool story...
oh ya.. in here we can't copy the the information from internet, we can take a information, but we must make own sentences, do not piracy! its againts the law..!
and in the school we have a media center, like a library.., they have so many computer there.and every student have a id number , and own password. we also can print al stuff whatever we want.. 50 print no problem, but no colour printer...
no pay for printing...


Anonymous said...

ohayo jess,
Rajin nie qmu banyak tugasnya,
Ikut pertukaran pelajar yaw?,
Udah kerasan nie da amrik?
Nti kuliah juga di amrik?
dari rei

Jessica Widjaja said...

halo he hee
iya project2 gt deh hehe
kerasan koks hehe

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