Wednesday, September 17, 2008

school today!

today is half day, we back school early! 12 pm ^^ happy,! today after school i have lunch with my host sister, and her friends, eat in restaurant is so expensive. 10 dolar, in indo Rp 100.000.. >_< but the portion is so much, they give a lot of food for 1 portion. it always like that, the restaurant here always give so much , i always can't eat all, its like 1 portion for 4 people.
but it a good restaurant..

after lunch i doing homework! ogwhhh.... so much homework.! i have to finish my essay 5 paragraph,! because its due for tommorow.! tommorow is deadline.
essay is like a Thesis, argument,conclusion, like a Ms. Yaya teach us..! its the same, we must have 3 of them.
today i ask my friends (my classate) to help for essay assigment, he very kind of me.. ^^ i like him ahaha... he realy help me for this...
Tommorow i have 2 unit reading check for History, and next friday i have 2 quizz, math and history.
oh ya! i got 100 !!
for History quizz, its like fill a blank America map. fill 13 colonies there..
i hope next friday i got 100 to for History and Math... ahahaha.... im so happy! ^^ but History is hard.. HUhuhuuhu... i can't really understand, i just know the outline of the story, not detail. wish me luck!!
certainly, i find difficulty to for doing homework, i must really understand thats story, i must open dictionary everytime, and it need time to do that, but, i never give up for this, im here to study! ahahaha...

hemm.. today i have a presentation for enterpreneur class. Mr Yudi, Mrs Rantii! hai.. i have presentation too here..! but its individual. at least must be 10 minute. no0 less than 10 minute....we have a question too from the other student, and we must answer correctly.
i very nervous do this, and....... did it well! the teacher know i am a exchanges, she know its my first time i talk in english infront of people. and she say " you did well, i proud of you" its a big compliment for me! i really glad.. hihi.. i did it..! thanks God..

the english class Mrs Ginsburg, she usually give a journal prompt, she make a topic, and we must writing a opinion about that, it fun, we talking a lot in that class, all the student initiative to tell they story.. its about family,friends, boy/girlfriends.. its like we talk heart to heart.. its good for me to be a good listener.. hahaha... its many cultural differences between Indo, and here.. so many differences.. many student have a baby in age 17/ 16... but they like a student in usual. not like a girl who have a baby.

and for French class, i see a movie, because its a half day, i see a cinderella movie in French.... huh.. i dont understand everything...


Anonymous said...

Wow jess..

Seru bgt ya dsana..

Kw tnyt yo pnter ya dsana..Dpte 100 terus..Hahaha...

Sering2 nulis blog..Nti tak liak..Wakaka,..

Jessica Widjaja said...

hey..! syapa nih.. kasih nama dunkz.. byar aku tahu.. ehueheuue.... thanks for comment me!

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